
Gee, it's been all quotes lately, hasn't it? Oops.

Have another!
"Titanic. When DiCaprio is trying to save the young lady, that was dope. When she tries to save him, and he dies, that was dope too. That whole situation was tragic. When I saw the baby in the water, frozen? I cried a little, but mostly I was pissed. I'd just had my daughter, so when I saw that frozen baby, I was like, 'What the fuck!? That's bullshit!' And let's not forget about CĂ©line Dion. That woman is unbelievable. You know how much I love my music? Well, I wouldn't put out a song for 10 years if that meant I could put out a song with her. Her voice sounds like pure fresh air. It sounds like what it sounded like when the world was created." —Ron Artest on his favorite movie [ESPN]

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