
walking/stumbling/on these shadowfeet

Argh/blargh, I've been neglecting the blog again. Between hustling like CRAZY at work, friends in town, getting sick, and an unexpected, impromptu trip back home for a friend's wedding, I have been over-exhausted and under-inspired. It's not like I'll lie and say that I was "too busy" - being broke means spending a LOT of time at home on the couch - but work has taken a lot out of me and sometimes it's all I can do to lift the remote and zone out with Jersey Shore and mindless internet games.

I missed the 5-month anniversary of moving here too (this time only by one day, though, hooray!) but now that I'm entering my 6th month in NYC, life is finally starting to turn around. I have a lot more job security even though I'm still technically a temp, and I even begged for and subsequently received a substantial raise. So now I can actually make rent on time every month! And maybe even have money for food AND winter boots! *spirit fingers*

I'm still not really sure who's reading this with any regularity, so I'm not certain what to write about... Work has basically been my entire life lately. They even asked me to help out at what amounts to their food festival, both at the front door/VIP list and as a brand representative - so I got to meet a lot of (famous) people and interact a lot and basically be on the front lines of an event, which is exactly why I moved here. Plus I was invited by my boss to my very first Fancy New York Cocktail Party (tm) and basically felt very glamorous until my wicked hangover at work the next morning.

I feel like I'm finally starting to come out of this deep slump I've been in for years. Losing my job in NC is where it all started - I feel so depressed when I'm not doing anything in my life, and now it's all starting to turn around. I actually was somewhat productive yesterday, which is basically a Saturday miracle. So, yay me! Maybe this means I'll start feeling inspired to write more often... but I'd love to know who's reading. Drop me a note in the comments box if you are.. and maybe what you'd like to hear about? I'm assuming that if you read this blog, you already know me personally (and therefore read shorter updates on Facebook)... so what landed you here?


Pie said...

I read your blog! I find it entertaining. I'll read pretty much anything you post.

Liz Koehler said...

I read your blog. I just miss you and want to know what's going on with you, so anything that you think is important is what I want to read about! I would love more details about your work situation and the trials and tribulations of trying to land a full-time permanent job. And I want to know what you wore to that cocktail party!