
One Word

I found the Reverb10 meme via one of my favorite blogs, Amanda's Noisiest Passenger. I so often find myself without ideas for this thing, so prompts are always a useful exercise.

Reverb10 Prompt 1 - One Word
Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?

The only word that defines my 2010 at all is "change." I talk about it constantly, but the move up here was so life-altering and terrifying and thrilling that it has completely dominated my year, from the moment in late December last year when I made the decision to the present moment, where I'm still struggling to define myself in my new environment.

I've done a lot of things I'm proud of, and quite a few things of which I'm ashamed to admit.

I've started essentially from scratch with my friend base, renewed a long-distance friendship that isn't long-distance anymore, and tried as hard as I can to keep in contact with my friends back home.

I've struggled with temp jobs, temp jobs that were supposed to become permanent jobs and didn't, and temp jobs that were never supposed to be permanent and have turned into something long-term and wonderful.

Nothing about my life in 2010 has been stable. I'm the kind of person that really likes habits and routines, and frequently find myself in a rut. Not so much anymore! I've seen my relationship with God surge, ebb, and ultimately begin to dwindle - something I'm not proud of at all. I hope that 2011 will mean a return to normalcy and stability, at the very least where my mind, body, and wallet are concerned. It's been an exciting year, but now I'm just exhausted.
I want 2011 to mean "serenity."

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