
It is hot as balls outside today

Ummmm sorry I never update anymore, the only post I want to write is about how much easier my life would be if I were an orphan and I'm pretty sure NO ONE wants to read that.

Still looking for work (but I have a great lead in a new recruiter that I met with this afternoon, who has already set me up to work a red-carpet gig next week!), still working part-time in a box office (I wanted to murder every tourist that came in on Memorial Day weekend)... still hung up on The One, with whom I have not had the Define The Relationship Talk yet (I am working on that). In short: same ol' same ol'.

My NYC crowd is expanding, though - I went with a college friend to a birthday party of a friend of someone she had met on the internet, and the whole group ended up being AWESOME, so I'm planning to spend a lot of time with them from here on out. Downside: they all live in Queens. Oh well. Guess my MetroCard is getting a workout this summer!

I'm not sure when parents began telling their children this myth, but "get good grades = go to a good college = get a good job after graduation" is a dirty damned lie, and I do not appreciate it. I have had a full-time, permanent job with health benefits (the ultimate goal, right?) for a measly 5 months out of the 3 years since I graduated. It shouldn't be this hard, I shouldn't have to hustle like I am right now, collections agencies should not be calling me about my student loans. The jobs race is a "right connection, right place, right time" game of luck and it's getting old really fast. Argh. #rantover

1 comment:

Liz Koehler said...

I think you should post another update soon because good things have happened to you in the past few days! Also I want to hear more details about this whole "The One" situation as of late. DO TELL.